The BeepAPI provides an interface to allow you to access and perform actions in BeepXtra Platform both from external applications and scripts as well as internal modules and addons.

It can be used by Web Applications, ePOS Systems, Android/Apple/Windows Apps or any other integration methods as long as the system can perform Http Requests and receive Json Responses from the BeepAPI.


Getting Started with the BeepAPI is easy and straight forward. This guide will assist you in setting up your application to perform API Requests in no time.

The Request Guide is compiled with all the available requests you can perform via the BeepAPI, documenting their methods and response parameters and datatypes.

NOTE: Your AppID has explicit access to certain controllers and methods and may or may not have access to specific requests. Should you require additional access please consult with your BeepXtra Representative.

The following API Demos are illustrated for demonstration purposes only and to provide best practice examples while using the BeepAPI.